User activation means to do something, when the user visited the website, he did at least one action we wanted. So if you do the activation well, the person will not leave the website.
Giving contact information
If the user or visitor enters the website and enters their contact information; Indicates that it is not a regular visitor, but an active user. Because he is willing to take more action and has taken a step towards contacting us and buying from us, and it’s the simple expression of user activation.
Online Shopping
It is not always the case that the user enters his e-mail to receive the e-mails and make little purchases. Sometimes they come to buy something directly and not for any questions. So if someone makes a purchase, this user is active from the digital marketer’s point of view and we can take the next steps.
Write a comment
One of the best signs that a visitor is not indifferent to our website and the user is already activated, is that user takes action is to write a comment somewhere on the site.
So Activation is not the only way for a visitor to enter their email and information on the landing page to say that this user has taken a step. If the visitor left a comment in your product page, It is a very positive step.
We can count on users by taking the necessary steps, and we can define campaigns which leads to sale.
Contact us
Another subject that indicates that the user is activated is that in the contact us tab, he asks a question and enter his or her personal information. (Email, phone number or any information contained in the contact form.
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For someone who came to the website, if he goes to the contact us page and asks a question, We should be satisfy.
Because budgets we spend on digital marketing only bring people to the website and specific landing pages to fill In some question boxes, but the user contacted us directly without any request for that.
Message to support team
Many websites have an online support system. That is, in a part of the website, they raise a topic and enter their information and wait for a response on the same page.
So if any of these 5 happen, it indicates that the user has taken the next step. That is, in addition to being absorbed, it is activated and is not indifferent to the site.
*If your job is to increase the website view and traffic, it’s my activity to help you achieve this goal.*
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